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Board of Trustees & Founding Team


Our Board of Trustees meets at 6:30pm on the second Monday of every month at

Truxton Academy Charter School, 6337 Academy Street, Truxton, NY 13158.



Meetings will take place in person in the Art Room on the first floor by the cafeteria

unless otherwise posted on the Main Entrance door. All are welcome.​​



Meeting schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year:


July 8, 2024

August 19, 2024

September 9, 2024

October 21, 2024

November 18, 2024

December 9, 2024

January 13, 2025

February 10, 2025

March 10, 2025   now March 24, 2025

April 21, 2025

May 12, 2025

June 9, 2025



Board Members


​Stuart Young

Board President



Krysta Austen

Board Vice President

E-mail Address:


Korinne L'Hommedieu

Board Treasurer



Tom Brown

Board Secretary



​Carol Woodhouse

Board Member



Jeff Perry

Board Member




Founding Team Members


Lydia Aris-Brown

Founding Team Member



Patty Dawson

Founding Team Member & Recording Secretary

E-mail Address


Kay Reakes

Founding Team Member




Interested in Being a member of our Board of Trustees?

Thank you for your potential interest in serving as a member on the Truxton Academy Charter School Board of Trustees. Being a member of a school board is one of the most rewarding, and possibly one of the most demanding things you can do for your children and your community. 


Some attributes that make someone a functioning and productive member of a governing body are:


Effective Communicator – Can describe what he or she wants and describe what others want; a good listener.


Consensus Builder – Capable of working toward decisions that all can support and willing to compromise to achieve that goal.


Community Participant – Enjoys meeting a variety of people, can identify the community’s key communicators and reaches out to fellow citizens.


Decision Maker – Knows his or her own decision-making style and that of others, supports group decision-making.


Information Processor – Can organize priorities and schedules to handle large quantities of verbal and written information.


Leader – Willing to take risks, supportive of Board colleagues, our charter school team and our community.


Team Player – Helps promote the Board’s vision and goals.


Our board can be comprised of no less than 6 and no more than 9 members, each serving a three-year term, with no more than three positions becoming available each year. Terms of office begin on July 1 and run until June 30, three years later. 


As of June 2024, we have three open positions including Parent Representatives*.  


Potential nominees should submit a brief resume providing their skills or experience that might be an asset to the Board to Patty Dawson, by email at or in person at 6337 Academy Street, Truxton, NY 13158. Please call to schedule a time at 607-842-6252 x109.


*When the Board consists of 7 or less members, at least one member of the Board should have children presently attending or have previously attended TACS in the past five years. When the Board consists of 8 or more members, at least two members of the Board should have children presently attending or have previously attended TACS in the past five years.

Truxton Academy Charter School Public Comment Policy


Public comment, sometimes referred to as comments from the floor or open forum, is the portion of the board meeting that grants parents, community members and anyone interested in our school, the opportunity to address the board with their concerns and comments. It is a key component of transparent governance. 


Truxton Academy welcomes Public Comments in accordance with the following:


  • Anyone wishing to speak should sign in and indicate which agenda item they are planning to speak about. Comments should pertain to an item already slated on the agenda.

  • Depending on the number of individuals wishing to speak, the president will announce a time limit that will apply for all speakers, if necessary.

  • Decorum requirements include prohibited use of obscene language, libelous statements, threats of violence, or comments directed at any one individual.

  • All comments should be addressed to the board, as a whole.

  • Please refrain from using individual student or employee names, or specific incidences that may interfere with anyone’s right to confidentiality.

  • It is our Board president’s responsibility and right to end any individual’s comments for violation of this policy. 


If a speaker’s comments are about an agenda item, the board may address those concerns or questions when the agenda item is discussed.


If a speaker’s comments warrant placement on a future agenda, the board president will let you know that your request will be added to the agenda of the next board meeting. 


We encourage all community stakeholders and families of Truxton Academy to attend Board meetings as often as possible and to share your concerns and feedback to maintain a communicative and productive environment.



Truxton Academy Charter School will comply with the Open Meetings Law (Public Officers Law §§ 100–111). Therefore, meetings of the Board of Trustees must be preceded by appropriate public notice and be open for public attendance in compliance with the requirements of the law. An executive session or private meeting may be called on the majority vote of the total membership of the subject public body for the purpose of transacting business on a limited number of subjects enumerated at §105 of the law.


Open Meeting

A meeting is the formal convening of a public body for the purpose of officially transacting public business. A public body is an entity, consisting of two or more members, for which a quorum is required in order to conduct public business and which performs a governmental function for New York State or for an agency or department thereof, or a committee or subcommittee or similar organization of such public body. Any meeting, therefore, which adopts resolutions having official force and effect is covered by the Open Meetings Law. Even informal gatherings of public bodies to discuss public business are subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings Law whenever a quorum is present. These informal meetings, which have been variously known as work sessions, agenda sessions, conferences, organizational meetings, and the like, must be preceded by proper public notice (see below and §104) and be open to the public in the same manner as formal meetings at which voting is scheduled. Social gatherings at which business is not discussed and casual encounters by members are not subject to these requirements.


Executive Sessions

The Open Meetings Law does provide for the holding of executive or closed sessions, called on a majority vote of the total membership of the public body, to discuss or act on the following enumerated subjects: 1) matters which may imperil public safety if disclosed; 2) matters which may disclose the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer; 3) information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense which would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed; 4) proposed, pending or current litigation; 5) collective bargaining negotiations; 6) personnel decisions or the medical, financial credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation; 7) the preparation, grading or administration of examinations; and 8) real property transactions or the proposed acquisition of securities, or sale or exchange of securities, where publicity would substantially affect the value. The procedures for the conduct of executive sessions are found at §105 of the Public Officers Law.


Exemption from Open Meetings Law

Section 108 (3) of the Public Officers Law exempts from the provisions of the Open Meetings Law any matters made confidential by federal or state law.


Public notice

Public notice of meetings scheduled at least one week in advance must be given to the news media and must be conspicuously posted in one or more designated public locations at least 72 hours before the meeting. Public notice of every other meeting must be given to the news media and conspicuously posted within a reasonable time before the meeting.



The requirements for minutes at open meetings are described at §106 of the Open Meetings Law. Minutes taken at open meetings must consist of a record or summary of all motions, proposals, resolutions and any other matter formally voted upon and the vote thereon.


Minutes of executive sessions shall consist of any action that is taken by formal vote. These minutes need consist only of a record or summary of the final determination of the action voted upon, the date and the vote thereon. These minutes need not show any matter which is not required to be made public under the Freedom of Information Law. Accordingly, the debate leading to the formulation of the final position adopted by resolution need not be recited.


Minutes must be made available within two weeks from the date of an open meeting and within one week of the date of an executive session.



The Open Meetings Law provides that an aggrieved party may enforce the statute by bringing an appropriate action in the courts. Upon good cause shown, the court may declare void any action taken by a public body in a meeting which fails to conform to the requirements of the law.

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Tel: 607-842-6252


Truxton Academy Charter School

6337 Academy Street

Truxton, NY 13158

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